Hearing Tests. Can You Say That Again?

If you are over the age of 50 and take nothing out of this website but this one thing, then this is it…Looking after your ears is just as important as looking after your eyes!

From the age of 50 everyone starts to gradually lose their hearing. You may not notice it, many people don’t, but progressive loss of hearing is one of the biggest modifiable risk factors for dementia.

What do I mean by this? In simple terms, keeping your ears hearing well is one of the best things you can do to actively reduce the risk of dementia.

Beware of Your Ego?

My Dad is a proud man. He told me he knows his hearing is not what it was, but still refuses to have a hearing test!

I have an expert audiologist (Gus) working across both branches at Loftus and Skelton and he is shocked by the number of people who he diagnoses with significant hearing loss yet don’t want any help.

You may have hearing loss but not be aware of it as you can hear day to day noises like the TV, radio etc. But the dangerous thing is the more subtle sounds that we don’t notice around us.

These sounds are needed to stimulate the brain, when the ears can’t detect them, the brain gets less stimulation and over the years can increase the risk of dementia.

And it could be something as simple as a build up of wax rather than hearing loss. That’s why my hearing expert specialises in wax removal!



Meet Gus.

The Audiologist.

The Ear Egghead.

Ask Him Anything About Ears But Don’t Encourage Him Too Much!

Gus has many years of audiological experience. He specialises in digital hearing aids and micro-suction of earwax, sounds charming I know!

He is a firm believer of a good aftercare service and has done additional research in auditory training. He understands and believes you cannot talk about hearing without talking about the brain. Ask him about ‘auditory training’.

Gus wants all his patients to live life to their full potential and not let hearing issues get in the way!

Free Hearing Tests.

Did I Hear Free?

Yes, but there is a catch, the offer ends April 30th 2024 and there are limited spaces.

To book your appointment call the Loftus branch on 01287 644211 or the Skelton branch on 01287 650655.

Or you can book online by clicking the button below…

The “Most Comprehensive & Complete Hearing Test” is FREE this month at both my branches at Loftus and Skelton.

There is no cost and no obligation. It’s possible we’ll find that your hearing is simply being caused by accumulated, imbedded earwax, easily corrected.

You no longer need to worry about missing conversations. The earlier you get seen the better.

Book a free hearing test today, you have nothing to lose, it’s one of those “no brainers” in life which I love, because sometimes life is complicated but making a decision to have a hearing test is not!

To book your free hearing test before the offer ends please call:

Loftus on 01287 644211

Skelton on 01287 650655

Or book online by clicking the text below:

Book Hearing Test


Eye Tests


Wax Removal